Tag: bourbon

  • Bottle Speculating in the World of American Whiskey

    Bottle Speculating in the World of American Whiskey

    Bottle Speculating in the World of American Whiskey In the early 2000s, I read an article claiming that wine was outperforming the stock market for a niche group of bottle collectors. At the time, investing in wine was a fringe investment strategy. Fast forward to today, and it has become an accepted and proven “alternative… Read more

  • Why Do We Call it Bourbon?

    Why Do We Call it Bourbon?
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    Why We Call it Bourbon: In my last article, I proposed that no individual invented bourbon whiskey but rather that a confluence of factors led to its natural development. Even though I advocated that bourbon whiskey evolved across the Western half of the Ohio River Valley–not just within Kentucky–I believe the name likely originated from… Read more

  • Who Invented Bourbon?

    Who Invented Bourbon?
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    Who invented bourbon? Was It even invented in Kentucky?” The history of bourbon is shrouded in mystery. There are many myths and educated theories regarding its origin. Authoritative bourbon historians tend to agree that Elijah Craig didn’t invent it. But before we dive into the topic, we must first decide what it is and what’s… Read more